by Dejan | Sep 23, 2021 | Jedox, Uncategorized
Jedox is presenting the latest version – Jedox 2021.3 Jedox is introducing one of the most anticipated new features this year with version 2021.3: Virtual Dimensions. Virtual Dimensions are a game changer to simplify Jedox data models for integrated planning. The...
by Dejan | Aug 30, 2021 | Consulting, Jedox
P&S POSLOVNE REŠITVE je na platformi Jedox za podjetje Calcit d.o.o. vzpostavilo celovito rešitev planiranja Calcit d.o.o. je eden vodilnih proizvajalcev kalcijevo-karbonatnih pigmentov, polnil in granulatov na evropskem trgu in je drugi največji evropski...
by Dejan | Aug 12, 2021 | Jedox, Uncategorized
Jedox achieves excellent ratings and a 96% recommendation rate The 2021 BPM Vendor Landscape Matrix recognizes Jedox as an established vendor with excellent overall customer rating and a 96% customer recommendation rate. The purpose of the BPM Vendor landscape matrix...
by Dejan | Jul 8, 2021 | News
P&S CAPITAL je že od samega začetka partner projekta Od vzhoda do vzhoda in sledi njegovemu konceptu o uvedbi gibanja na svežem zraku v vsakodnevno življenje. V okviru dogodka je bil organiziran tudi prelet balona čez Šmarno goro, kar se je zgodilo prvič po 30...
by Dejan | May 27, 2021 | Jedox, Uncategorized
Jedox ranked number one for business benefits across all peer groups Jedox has once again achieved excellent results in this year’s “The Planning Survey 21” conducted by independent analyst firm BARC. Over 1400 users participated in the world’s largest user survey for...
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